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An “All-In” Pathway to 2030: Transportation Sector Emissions Reductions Potential

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Zhao, A., H. McJeon, R. Cui, T. Cyrs, J. Feldmann, G. Iyer, Kathleen Kennedy, Kevin Kennedy, S. Kennedy, K. O’Keefe, S. Rajpurohit, L. Rowland, N. Hultman (2022). “An “All-In” Pathway To 2030: Transportation Sector Emissions Reduction Potential.” Center for Global Sustainability, University of Maryland and America Is All In. 8pp.

This new report from the America Is All In analytical team, led by the Center for Global Sustainability, offers a deep dive into emissions reduction potential from the United States transportation sector. Additionally, it finds that the transportation sector can deliver one-fifth of the emissions reductions needed to successfully reach the Biden Administration’s climate target of 50-52 percent reductions by 2030 from 2005 levels.

This contribution illustrates a more significant rate of progress than previous analyses have identified. With continued and accelerated efforts from cities, states, and businesses and federal regulatory actions and legislation from Congress, transport emissions could reduce by 34 percent, or over 600 million metric tons of CO2 (MtCO2), through the remainder of the decade.

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